Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Broncos v. Jaguars Game 10/12

Alexis told us that she would not go to the Broncos game unless she could dress up in her Penn State cheerleader outfit. So I made the outfit as warm as possible. We had a great time watching Jacksonville beat the Broncos. It was bitter cold and it rained, but a lot of hot chocolate helped.

Alexis before we left with her princess Mr. Potato Head pumpkin.
Alexis and her buddy Schnapps with the pumpkin.

Alexis doing her "pose" with her pom poms before we headed to Mile High.

All bundled up at Mile High ready for the game...

Alexis got a Broncos tatoo even though we were cheering for the Jags.

Alexis in front of the Bronco...she kept talking about seeing the Bronco at the stadium...she remembered it from the last time we were here for the CU v. CSU game.
Alexis having a blast in the stands all bundled up...
After the Broncos lost and we started our long trek to the parking lot, Alexis started saying "GO STEELERS" (with the urging of daddy). She attracted a lot of attention from the Broncos fans who didn't quite understand why she was cheering for the Steelers. Eric was in his glory. The second video shows her switch to "GO PENN STATE" which everyone was baffled at...and if you are wondering, mommy did not tell her to say this...she is a true penn stater.

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