Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!!!

We had a nice Christmas this year in Denver - no snow but it was chilly. Here is Alexis leaving one cookie and a small dixie cup of milk for Santa (she said he doesn't need too much). As you can see, Bailey was very interested in this cookie (all night...). Santa came...I guess I was a good girl...
Alexis got a Jasmine outfit from Santa...
Alexis asked Santa every time she talked to him for a scooter...and he brought one... We were out by 8:00 am riding...
Alexis got a Hannah "Patana" guitar from her Great Aunt Bernice and Great Uncle Craig...she played quite a few songs for us.
Trying to get antlers on Bailey...she wasn't too thrilled.
Apron from Nana and Pop Pop...Great Grandma had bought this last year so Alexis could help me cook in the kitchen...Alexis put it on when we were ready to make Christmas Dinner.
Snowman kit from Nana and Pop we have the carrot, corn cob pipe and buttons, scarf, hat for our next snowman...
Alexis singing to her musical Christmas card from Nana, Pop Pop and Cleo...
Dollie with car seat and travel bag from Grandmom and Pappy...she her shopping on Friday (by the way, it was an absolute mess shopping on Friday...where was everyone before Christmas?)
A Very Marley Christmas from Aunt Michele and Uncle Kevin...she is getting up the nerve to go to the movie (Alexis is not too fond of movies in the theater but now that she has the book she is more interested).
Playing with her toys from Santa...a veterinarian set, and lots of Disney princess stuff...
On Christmas Eve morning, we watched Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Bailey wasn't too interested).
Alexis' school had a Holiday Party and her class studied Mexico. So they built a pinata and sang a song while they tried to break it open. Alexis did not want to hit it but she enjoyed collecting some candy...
Alexis with Santa at her school party.

Mommy and Alexis decided to make houses with graham crackers this year (the gingerbread house last year collapsed and it was very frustrating). These graham cracker houses worked great...just some icing to hold them in place and we were set. Mommy's is the front one and Alexis' is right in front of her. Mommy had fun with this project too! Alexis was more interested in eating the candy...

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