Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our trip to PA

I am so behind on blogging and I am FINALLY working again on a contract-basis so things have been crazy around here. Alexis started kindergarten this week (will do another post) and Eric is madly studying for his dermatopathology boards on the 17th of September.

So I will pick some highlights from our awesome trip to PA (and they are in semi-random order):

Alexis on the last night with Nana and Pop Pop Schneck:
Alexis on the last night with Grandmom and Pappy Fillman and Aunt Michele:
Took a trip to the Lehigh Valley Zoo (formerly the game preserve)...favorite part was feeding of the penguins...
Because Nana and Pop Pop live right across the street from Dorney Park, it was a little hard to tell Alexis she couldn't we went on the only day they weren't just testing the rides (hint, hint, that is what we told her they were doing on all the days we didn't want to go).

Here she is with the Great Pumpkin:
Back in 2005, we took Alexis to Dorney on her 1st birthday while daddy was in Iraq...check out her with the Great Pumpkin then:
On the merry go round with Nana:
Got to stand with Charlie Brown with Nana after their show:
And here she is back in 2005 with Charlie Brown and Grandmom Fillman:
On a roller coaster by herself for the first time:
Agreed to go on this ride with Pop Pop but wasn't too fond it...thought it would be ok since she liked the tea cups in Disney:
Mommy and Alexis under the waterfall:
Nana and Alexis truck driving:
On a ride all by herself that kept going up and down...glad I didn't have to go on that one with her!
A visit with Dave and of her sets of godparents
A play date at the playground with two new friends (well their dad is an old friend of mine):
The second week we were there, we had the Schneck is the crew:
Alexis had tohelp with the corn for dinner so she decided she would brush them...then she got bored!
Relatives brought a puppy poodle and he enjoyed the bubbles Alexis was blowing (so did Cleo, Nana and Pop Pop's dog): And this reunion was actually on Alexis' birthday, so this was her second birthday cake...chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Feeding fish at the fish hatchery with Grandmom Fillman...Alexis absolutely loved doing this...even had Grandmom go get more food!
Hanging in the tree with Grandmom...
Fish statue with Grandmom Fillman and Aunt Michele...
Haning on the bed with Nana and Cleo as mommy was packing...
Eric was not going to go home but he decided to surprise his parents for their 50th wedding anniversary dinner...they took the whole family to Moselem Springs for an awesome dinner! The grandkids and great grandkids made a hand print poster for them...
And here they are all with all of the grandkids and great grandkids...having a great time as you can see!
And our attempt at a family you can see it was my daughter who didn't cooperate...this was probably the best shot anyone got!
And we had cake for dessert so we asked them to feed each other cake like they did at their wedding...pretty cool!
Alexis thought this was so great so she decided to not use a fork too!
This is a picture of Alexis trying to catch fireflies...she kept naming them and calling them sweetie (like she does with the dogs) and asking them to come in the you may guess, this did not work very well but she enjoyed seeing them light up...not something we see very often down here in Texas!
And the first weekend, we had another family reunion for the Goundie is the crew:

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