Thursday, August 14, 2008

Playing Around In Denver

Alexis enjoys playing in the fountain at the Northfield Shopping Mall - sometimes they sneak up on her and she gets pretty wet. She also enjoys playing in the fountain at the Town Center - this one she gets to climb up and down and scare mommy and daddy... Mommy and daddy prefer the smaller fountain next to the tower where she can just run around in a circle. Alexis is definitely a true Texan - it was 90 degrees the other day and she wanted to go swimming but with little humidity here, it was just a little too cold for her (doesn't sound too cold at 90 degrees but it has to be closer to 100 degrees and much higher humidity for our little Texan to swim). So she wrapped up in a towel and ate her string cheese and we headed home. Oh well. We also ventured to the Arapahoe County Fair where Alexis can finally go on the rides now that she has reached 36 inches. She really liked the Rock Town train ride (although it was second to the carousel). The last picture is on the carousel at Colorado Mills - a great outlet mall not far from Denver.

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