Friday, January 23, 2009

Snow, Playing, Party Girl and Sleeping

Alexis had a boy's superhero party this past weekend...she decided to dress up as Jasmine...they are dancing here to a song and the boy next to her is holding her hand... Dancing again with the boys (and one other girl).
She helped the birthday boy blow out the candles...he was turning 4 but mom didn't have a 4 so 3+1 = 4...thought that was kind of cute.
Here is Alexis playing with her next door neighbor...they love to dress up in princess or dance costumes...some of you may recognize the dress Alexis has was her first dance recital costume when she was 21 months old...and yes it still fits her...wish I could stay that trim.
Here are Alexis and her neighbor at the playground...we had unusually warm weather (60s and 70s) but today it is back to the 30s and snow is expected...
The snow we had last week unfortunately was not good packing is Alexis all ready with her snowman kit from Nana and Pop Pop but the snow just wouldn't pack...she is holding her snowball (that she then threw at me) - that is the largest ball we could pack together. She really enjoys shoveling the snow (boy, I don't miss it at all) so at least I have a helper when it snows.
Instead of a snowman, I said she could make a snow angel...for some reason, she knew exactly what to do but I don't remember her ever doing this before.
Alexis' snow angel...
And this is what a warm bath will do to you...Alexis has this thing about putting her Dora sofa on the big sofa and sleeping on long as she goes to sleep, I am not complaining...

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