Monday, February 2, 2009

Honest Scrap...25 Random Things

My friend Jenn Watkins tagged me on her blog to write "Honest Scrap" which is 10 random things about you...I am also on facebook and a similar thing is going on there to write 25 random things about I will post my 25 random things about me:

1. I am so blessed to have my daughter Alexis after I had two hospital stays during pregnancy and a post-partum ER/ICU stay…Alexis was 4 weeks early and was thankfully healthy. She brightens every day with new discoveries and sayings and her sweet charm. She does have her "moody" moments but don't we all... I thoroughly love to spoil her.

2. I am a terrible migraine sufferer…however, Botox injections in my forehead, temples, and neck have been my saving grace. They are painful but not as painful as having migraines every day.

3. I enjoy doing Tae Bo for exercise…I hope someday to teach aerobics again. On warmer days, I like to walk a few miles for exercise.

4. I am a patent attorney and wish there was more work for this profession out there right now.

5. I love Disneyworld…I love the magic that surrounds you and there are no worries…and I love to see Alexis’ smile when she sees a princess or a character and she gets to hug them. I have to admit that I love to hug them too.

6. My heroes are all of the soldiers fighting overseas and the military docs and medical personnel saving lives everday over there. I also admire all of their families at home who worry 24/7, but manage to hold down the fort while their loved one is fighting for peace. I will support our troops 'til they all come home!

7. I love big SUVs…I don’t know if I could ever give up my Ford Expedition.

8. I am married to my high school sweetheart and have been with him for 19 years…wow, that is a long time...there is never a dull moment with him in my life...and he has great taste in flowers and jewelry!

9. I love the Rocky Mountains, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Niagara Falls and Williamsburg at Christmas time!

10. I love rum…dark rum in particular.

11. I hate fast food…particularly French fries and McDonalds – I cringe every time Alexis wants “Old McDonalds.” I recently gave in to buying this food for her in 2008. My choice is always Panera for a salad, which she does like too.

12. I enjoy taking pictures of anything, but especially of Alexis and my two hound dogs. I hope to take photography classes someday.

13. I look forward to Girl Scout cookies every year and the rest of the year I indulge on those icing sugar cookies you can get at Walmart or Target.

14. I usually only buy clothing and shoes if they are on sale and I love to shop the clearance racks. Outlets are a hotspot for me.

15. Christmas is my favorite holiday…I love the decorations, lights, giving gifts, and I just love to see Alexis’ face after Santa comes.

16. I am addicted to Chapstick…lipstick just never works for me, so I always carry my Chapstick…it is as important as my wallet and sunglasses.

17. I enjoy converting recipes into healthy meals…especially enjoy converting dessert recipes using whole wheat flour…still experimenting with a few so they don’t get so dry. My latest meal was whole wheat corn bread with buffalo chili…Eric even liked it and he hates cornbread.

18. I wish I could visit family and friends in Pennsylvania more often. I really enjoy when family and friends come to visit us.

19. I am a huge Penn State and Pittsburgh Steelers fan!

20. I am getting very good at preparing a house for a move…here we go again in July.

21. I appreciate my mom for all of the scrapbooking she does with the pictures I take! I hope to have the time to scrapbook someday.

22. The best jobs I have had were my two judicial clerkships…I would do this job the rest of my career if I could.

23. I love Starbucks decaf coffee...I hope it is not true that they won't brew it anymore after noon.

24. I love to get away or go out with Eric…these nights/weekends are too far and few between.

25. I played drums in my junior high and high school bands and treasure all of the memories of band camp, football games, and band competitions (and meeting my husband).

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