Monday, March 16, 2009

Collegiate Byway and South Park

On Saturday, we headed to the Top of the Rockies and Collegiate Byways...we started heading west of I-70 and went through the Eisenhower Tunnel...this was a highlight for Alexis... We headed south around Silverthorne... Mountain range on the Top of the Rockies byway...
Alexis in front of a huge snow mound (she kept begging for a place to stop so she could throw snowballs)...
Views on the Top of the Rockies byway...
Alexis in one of her many poses of the day...
Then we headed to the Collegiate Byway where there are 14,000+ foot mountains named after universities...what a beautiful site!
Picture time...posing in front of the Collegiates...
Sitting in the tree in front of the Collegiates...

Sitting on the limb...Eric was extremely nervous for this one...
Hanging from the branch...
Alexis was in one of her model posing I took advantage of it and got some neat shots!
This is our future retirement home...on the top of the mountain in the middle of nowhere!
ALEXIS' PHOTOGRAPHY...Eric and I in front of Mt. Yale (I think...I kept getting them all confused)...

Eric and I in front of Mt. Harvard (again, I think...)...

Alexis taking pictures of herself in the car...she took about 20 of these...I think she was getting bored...our driving time for this trip was about 5 hours total throughout the day...
SOUTH PARK - Yes there really is an area called South Park...the small town in South Park is an 1800s town restored. There were cute little shops and even some restaurants and a bed and breakfast. I bought a Western Ken doll for $10 (used to have one when I was younger but it broke) and Alexis got a beach barbie for $6 (remember the ones with the bikini tan lines)...I thought this was cool...Eric was more interested in getting a souvenier shirt from South Park. Eric with Mr. Hanky...

Alexis running from Mr. Hanky...
Eric with the South Park sign...

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